Preeclampsia and Eclampsia in the Gravid and Puerperal Period in Patients Admitted To Intensive Care
pregnancy, puerperium, pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, Intensive Care Unit (ICU)Abstract
Introduction: Preeclampsia produces proteinuria, edema and arterial hypertension. Eclampsia appears after preeclampsia or acute with seizures. Both states usually occur towards the end of pregnancy, during or after delivery.
Objective: To characterize pregnant or puerperal women with preeclampsia-eclampsia, admitted to the Intensive Care Unit.
Methods: A descriptive, prospective and longitudinal study was concluded, in 38 patients who underwent a complete physical examination, complementary tests useful for their diagnosis and APACHE II index.
Results: Puerperal pre-eclampsia predominated. The ages between 21 to 35 years prevailed. The most frequent risk factors found were advanced ages, personal history and nulliparity. The stay ranged between 4 and 5 days in both groups, with 100 % of live hospital discharges.
Conclusions: The early diagnosis of severe and initial forms of preeclampsia is possible with a strategy of early follow-up in pregnant and puerperal women at risks.