Antibiotic prophylaxis evaluation during cesarean section



evaluación de prescripción, antibiotic prophylaxis, prescription evaluation


Introduction: Antibiotic prophylaxis has the objective to prevent surgical infections. It should be performed only when is indicated, and must follows work protocols.
Objective: Quality evaluation of antibiotic prophylaxis in cesarean sections.
Methods: Descriptive retrospective study, prescription indication type. Compliant of antibiotic prophylaxis was evaluated according to work protocols. Were evaluated all 111 cesarean sections performed during the period form January to May 2002.
Results: Women aged 21 to 35 years were predominant (73.9 %), with 3 or more prior deliveries. 52.5 % of them were primitive cesarean section, and 60.9 % were urgent. 72.7 % were classified as clean during preoperative period, and suffer change in classification during post operative period. 47.8 % of cesarean section classified as clean – contaminated also change classification. This change affected to 40.5 % of all cesarean section. This change was justified in 75 % of the cesarean sections classified as clean, and was pertinent to 85.6 % of all changes performed


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How to Cite

González Salas O, Delgado Veitia NH, López Peña DM. Antibiotic prophylaxis evaluation during cesarean section. Rev. cuba. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 9 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];49(1):e1385. Available from:



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