Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of Gynecologic Pelvic Masses


  • Francisco Báez Pupo Hospital Universitario Provincial "Manuel Ascunce Domenech". Camagüey
  • Yoimy Díaz Brito Universidad de Ciencias Médicas "Carlos Juan Finlay". Camagüey
  • María Margarita Báez Pupo Policlínico Universitario "José Martí". Camagüey


ultrasoud, pelvica mass, uterine fibroid


Introduction: Ultrasound is the ideal diagnostic test for the study of gynecologic tumors. It is an effective method, easy to perform, economical and non-invasive.
Objective: Characterize gynecological pelvic masses by ultrasound.
Methods: Atraverse descriptive observational study was carried out from January to December 2013; at the Provincial Obtetrics-Gynecology University Hospital. The study universe consisted of 312 women, 151 patients was the size of the sample, selected at random. The data were obtained from the registration book of the gynecological surgery room and from the clinical histories. A data sheet that became the definitive record of the investigation was constructed. Descriptive statistical was determined.
Results: Most of the gynecological masses were uterine fibromas. Most of the masses, within the imaging discoveries, had uterine localization. They showed a unique tumor, they were hypoecogenic and clinical and ultrasonographic diagnosis pathologically agreed.
Conclusions: ultrasound is useful in the diagnosis of pelvic masses.


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How to Cite

Báez Pupo F, Díaz Brito Y, Báez Pupo MM. Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of Gynecologic Pelvic Masses. Rev. cuba. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 9 [cited 2025 Jan. 16];42(2):e50. Available from: https://revginecobstetricia.sld.cu/index.php/gin/article/view/308



Gynecology and reproductive health