Triggers of oocyte maturation in cycles of in vitro fertilization
GnRH-a, infertility, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, controlled ovarian hyperstimulationAbstract
Traditionally, a bolus of 5000-10000 IU human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) was used for final follicular maturation and ovulation as a standard method since assisted reproduction techniques started (ART). Recently, a new concept in which the releasing gonadotropin hormone agonists (GnRH-a) play an essential role has been introduced. This offers important advantages, including virtually prevention of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). However, some studies described that using GnRH-a, could lead to defects in the luteal-phase that may result in a reduction of the implantation and clinical pregnancy rates; and also in an increase of early abortion rates. Therefore, the aim of this review is the analysis of different pharmaceutical options to trigger final oocyte maturation in ART, and the discussion of the risks, benefits and likely complications associated with the use of GnRH-a as an inductor of the ovulation during in vitro fecundation/intracitoplasmatic sperm injection cycles (IVF/ICSI).