Results of the Use of Acetylsalicylic Acid and Calcium Supplements in Preventing Preeclampsia


  • Vivian de las Mercedes Cairo González Hospital Universitario Ginecobstétrico "Mariana Grajales". Santa Clara, Villa Clara
  • Juan Antonio Suárez González Hospital Universitario Ginecobstétrico "Mariana Grajales". Santa Clara, Villa Clara
  • Aimeé Escobar Blanco Hospital Universitario Ginecobstétrico "Mariana Grajales". Santa Clara, Villa Clara
  • Lisbell López Guerra Hospital Universitario Ginecobstétrico "Mariana Grajales". Santa Clara, Villa Clara
  • Yoany Marín Tápanes Hospital Universitario Ginecobstétrico "Mariana Grajales". Santa Clara, Villa Clara
  • Mario Gutiérrez Machado Hospital Universitario Ginecobstétrico "Mariana Grajales". Santa Clara, Villa Clara


preeclampsia, aspirin, calcium


Introduction: preeclampsia in a condition that complicates pregnancy and it is responsible for 10-15% of maternal and perinatal mortality. In Villa Clara, it constitutes the first cause of admission to the Maternal and Perinatal Care Services.
Objective: demonstrate the effectiveness and safety of aspirin and calcium supplements in pregnant women at risk.
Methods: an observational, prospective investigation was conducted in the provincial consultation for risk of preeclampsia at Mariana Grajales Gyneco-Obstetric University Hospital, in Villa Clara, from January 2014 to December 2015.
Results: the use of aspirin and calcium, at the doses used, proved to be effective in reducing the incidence of preeclampsia and its severe forms. There were greater benefits with the preventive measures used, for some specific risk groups such as chronic hypertension, obesity, history of previous preeclampsia and patients with altered Doppler ultrasound. There was no increase in adverse events on the mother and the fetus.
Conclusions: there was no increase in adverse events on the mother and the newborn in the treated patients.


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How to Cite

Cairo González V de las M, Suárez González JA, Escobar Blanco A, López Guerra L, Marín Tápanes Y, Gutiérrez Machado M. Results of the Use of Acetylsalicylic Acid and Calcium Supplements in Preventing Preeclampsia. Rev. cuba. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 8 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];43(3):e238. Available from:



Perinatal medicine and obstetrics