Characterizing of Extremely Severe Maternal Morbidity at Ramón González Coro Hospital, 2014 - 2017


  • Ana Mary Sanabria Arias Hospital Ginecobstétrico Docente "Ramón González Coro." La Habana
  • Florencio Barbosa Jiménez Hospital Ginecobstétrico Docente "Ramón González Coro." La Habana
  • Niobys M. Sánchez Ramíre Sánchez Ramírez Hospital Ginecobstétrico Docente "Ramón González Coro." La Habana
  • Gwendolyn Pino Rivera Hospital Ginecobstétrico Docente "Ramón González Coro." La Habana


extremely severe maternal morbidity, way of termination of pregnancy, specific disease, organic failure


Introduction: Extremely severe maternal morbidity is an indicator of maternal care quality and it is one of the topics that has received the most attention worldwide due to the close relationship with maternal mortality.
Objective: To epidemiologically characterize pregnant women with extremely severe maternal morbidity in patients treated at González Coro Gyneco-Obstetric Hospital in Havana, Cuba.
Methods: A descriptive, observational and retrospective study was conducted in 220 pregnant women who evolved towards severity in the four-year period 2014-2017. Information was processed using descriptive statistics. Confidence intervals were determined for proportions of characteristics that were considered relevant.
Results: The average maternal age was 30 years and 16% of anemia was detected at preganancy uptake. An abnormal weight gain was reported in 37% of pregnant women. 75% had an indication of caesarean section for termination of pregnancy due to severe preeclampsia, retroplacental hematoma or previous caesarean section. The average gestational age was 36.2 weeks. Complications before childbirth were seen in 35% and 39% in postpartum. The most frequent conditions were severe preeclampsia, uterine atony and retroplacental hematoma. Complications were hepatic, renal and polytransfusion syndrome and although maternal mortality was not reported, the most important sequel was hysterectomy and the consequence on fertility.
Conclusions: Hemorrhagic and hypertensive disorders predominated, followed by placentals, and the sequelae were hysterectomy and infertility. No maternal mortality was reported.


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How to Cite

Sanabria Arias AM, Barbosa Jiménez F, Sánchez Ramírez NMSR, Pino Rivera G. Characterizing of Extremely Severe Maternal Morbidity at Ramón González Coro Hospital, 2014 - 2017 . Rev. cuba. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 29 [cited 2024 Sep. 28];45(3). Available from:



Perinatal medicine and obstetrics