Cervical Cancer Program at Tula Aguilera Cespedes Policlinic in Camagüey (2012-2014)


  • Yoimy Díaz Brito Policlínico Universitario "Tula Aguilera Céspedes". Camagüey
  • Rosa María Santiesteban Sánchez Hospital Militar "Octavio de la concepción y de la Pedraja"
  • Félix Ramón Santana Suárez Policlínico Universitario "Tula Aguilera Céspedes". Camagüey
  • Yoleixys Triana Rodríguez Hospital Militar "Octavio de la concepción y de la Pedraja". Camagüey


Cervical cancer program, Pap smears, high-grade lesion NIC II


Introduction: The Cuban program for early diagnosis of cervical cancer poses among its objectives to reduce mortality and know morbidity from cervical cancer by detection at the earliest possible stage, allowing to apply early and effective treatment.
Objective: Characterize the behavior of Cervical Cancer Program during the last three years.
Methods: Adescriptive cross-sectional observational study was conducted during from January 2012 to December 2014, at Tula Aguilera Cespedes University Polyclinic in Camagüey, Cuba. The universe consisted of 8,599 cytology smears that was our plan. We worked with 8,018 smear tests performed in the period, including repeated cytology and new cases. The data were obtained from the cytology logbook of the area and from the cards with positive results in cytology. A data sheet is constructed and it became the definitive record of this investigation, and descriptive statistics were determined.
Results: There was a fulfillment of the plan above 90%, most of the samples were cytology that were perform again, a minority was positive. High-grade lesions CIN II predominated, there was quality in making samples and correlation between cytological and histological results.
Conclusions: The program and its implementation are essential for early diagnosis of this condition.


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How to Cite

Díaz Brito Y, Santiesteban Sánchez RM, Santana Suárez FR, Triana Rodríguez Y. Cervical Cancer Program at Tula Aguilera Cespedes Policlinic in Camagüey (2012-2014). Rev. cuba. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];42(2):e51. Available from: https://revginecobstetricia.sld.cu/index.php/gin/article/view/309



Gynecology and reproductive health