Acute adnexal torsion in a pediatric age ́s patient



Adnexal torsion, adolescense, acute abdomen


Introduction: Adnexal torsion is the complete or partial rotation of the ovary and the Fallopian tube, which implies a decrease or complete lost of their blood contribution to the body. Its incidence is estimated in among 3 and 7 % of the cases of gynecological emergencies ́ service. It is more common to appear in the right side. The main cause of it is the benign adnexal masses and its onset can be related to abrupt movements, jumps or falls.
Objective: Present the case of an adolescent patient with acute abdominal pain due to a right adnexal torsion.
Presentation of the case: A 14 years old patient is attended in the emergencie service after presenting pain in the lower abdomen during 3 days. She presented dizziness, vomiting with gastric content and shivers. It was performed an exploratory laparotomy that showed supposed diagnosis of adnexal torsion, that was confirmed during the surgery.
Conclusions: The adnexal torsion in pediatric ages is a gynecological emergency that must be surveilled in all female adolescents attending to an emergencies service with an acute abdominal pain and its treatment is basically surgical. The surgery is considered
conservative when there is adnexal reperfusion, or radical surgery when there is adnexal necrosis.


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Bonachea Peña RR, Ortíz Díaz LA, Rodríguez Arozarena C. Acute adnexal torsion in a pediatric age ́s patient. Rev. cuba. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 29 [cited 2024 Sep. 16];46(4):e541. Available from: