Embryo reduction in twin pregnancy


  • Niobys Sánchez Ramírez Hospital Ginecobstétrico Docente "Ramón González Coro". La Habana
  • Lourdes Carrillo Bermúdez Hospital Ginecobstétrico Docente "Ramón González Coro". La Habana
  • Ana Mary Sanabria Arias Hospital Ginecobstétrico Docente "Ramón González Coro". La Habana
  • Lorena Olivella Mejía Hospital Ginecobstétrico Docente "Ramón González Coro". La Habana


twin pregnancy, selective feticide, Preterm PROM, conservative treatment


Embryonic reduction is the selective interruption of the development of one or several fetuses in the first trimester of pregnancy. Twin pregnancy occurs in approximately one in every 100 births. It is considered an entity with high maternal and fetal risk. Multiple pregnancies have greater impact on health systems due to the higher frequency of complications. Premature rupture of membranes causes approximately 40 % of preterm births and, consequently, it contributes 10 % of perinatal mortality according to the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics. In this clinical case it was observed that an expectant attitude with the relevant ultrasound (index of amniotic fluid), analytical (leukocyte count and polymerase chain reaction) and clinical (heart rate and temperature) controls can lead to good postnatal evolution, justified at least on this occasion, a conservative attitude.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Ramírez N, Carrillo Bermúdez L, Sanabria Arias AM, Olivella Mejía L. Embryo reduction in twin pregnancy. Rev. cuba. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];45(2):e459. Available from: https://revginecobstetricia.sld.cu/index.php/gin/article/view/348



Case reports