Ovarian Collision and Pregnancy Tumor


  • Juan Antonio Suárez González Hospital Universitario Ginecobstétrico "Mariana Grajales", Santa Clara, Villa Clara.
  • Mario Gutiérrez Machado Hospital Universitario Ginecobstétrico "Mariana Grajales", Santa Clara, Villa Clara.
  • Darlene Bouza Jorge Hospital Universitario Ginecobstétrico "Mariana Grajales", Santa Clara, Villa Clara.
  • Eliecer Anoceto Aminaga Hospital Universitario Ginecobstétrico "Mariana Grajales", Santa Clara, Villa Clara.
  • Heydi Isabel González Aguiar Hospital Universitario Ginecobstétrico "Mariana Grajales", Santa Clara, Villa Clara.
  • Osmany Alba Turino Hospital Universitario Ginecobstétrico "Mariana Grajales", Santa Clara, Villa Clara.


ovarian tumor, pregnancy


We present the case of a pregnant woman at term with left ovarian collision tumor. A dystocic birth is produced by caesarean section and a normal newborn is removed. Subsequently, the excresis of the ovarian tumor is performed. Both the mother and her newborn evolve satisfactorily. The histological diagnosis of the ovarian tumor concluded to be a mucinous cystadenoma associated with a benign cystic teratoma of the ovary.


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How to Cite

Suárez González JA, Gutiérrez Machado M, Bouza Jorge D, Anoceto Aminaga E, González Aguiar HI, Alba Turino O. Ovarian Collision and Pregnancy Tumor . Rev. cuba. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 8];45(2):e359. Available from: https://revginecobstetricia.sld.cu/index.php/gin/article/view/346



Case reports