Second Trimester Partial Hydatidiform Mole


  • Lourdes Carrillo Bermúdez Hospital Ginecobstétrico Docente "Ramón González Coro". La Habana
  • Yaíma Alonso Llanes Hospital Ginecobstétrico Docente "Ramón González Coro". La Habana
  • Miguel Gutiérrez Herrera Hospital Ginecobstétrico Docente "Ramón González Coro". La Habana
  • Martha Patricia Couret Cabrera Policlínico Universitario Docente Puentes Grandes. La Habana
  • Aimeé Festary Casanova Hospital Ginecobstétrico Docente "Ramón González Coro". La Habana
  • Gwendolyn Pino Rivera Hospital Ginecobstétrico Docente "Ramón González Coro". La Habana


trophoblastic disease, partial hydatidiform mole, hydropic degeneration, corial villi, chorionic gonadotropin


The hydatidiform mole coexisting with a living fetus is a rare entity that is characterized by hydropic degeneration of the chorionic villi, hyperplasia of the trophoblast and macroscopic evidence of a fetus. The objective of the study was to describe the clinical case of a patient with a diagnosis of partial mole and gestational age of 23 weeks. We present a 31-year-old patient referred for perinatology consultation with 22.5 weeks of gestation, high blood pressure, plus sign and ultrasound with 20 weeks describing placenta with venous lakes; and history of high alpha-fetoprotein. In the hospital, her condition worsened with aggravated preeclampsia, and with an evolving ultrasound, that describes a 71 mm placenta with multiple venous lakes. Possible trophoblastic disease arises and is discussed for termination of pregnancy. Micro-cesarean surgery was performed, a female fetus weighing 600 grams was obtained, a placenta of 400 grams with multiple vesicles that resemble partial mole. This diagnosis is later confirmed with histopathological study. In partial mole, the embryo rarely survives until the second trimester. If cytogenetic tests are not performed, they may not be diagnosed because the histological changes are usually subtle. The clinic, the beta fraction of the chorionic gonadotropin and the study of the placenta, the fetus or both, are the ones that will make the definitive diagnosis to determine the follow-up and decrease the complications.


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How to Cite

Carrillo Bermúdez L, Alonso Llanes Y, Gutiérrez Herrera M, Couret Cabrera MP, Festary Casanova A, Pino Rivera G. Second Trimester Partial Hydatidiform Mole . Rev. cuba. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 3 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];44(2):e353. Available from:



Case reports