Association of heart defects with genetic syndromes: utility in prenatal diagnosis


  • Yamilet Corona Carnero Departamento de Genética. Municipio Habana del Este. La Habana
  • Raúl Ernesto Pérez Corona Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Enrique Cabrera. La Habana
  • Leydis Yamilet Fiallo Delgado Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Victoria de Girón. La Habana


prenatal diagnosis, genetic syndromes, heart defects


Congenital heart diseases are a common cause of death in the neonatal stages and first year of life, but in association with genetics syndromes the possibility of survivor decreases in 70 percent. A review on the subject is carried out in order to broaden the interpretation of cardiac defects in the ultrasound diagnosis and the association with other malformations and genetic syndromes. In 85 % of cardiac defects there is evidence of the association to genetic syndromes and 15 % of them can be related to a monogenic inheritance or a chromosomal anomaly. These syndromes present other malformations visible in the ultrasound examination, which help prenatal diagnosis. Alagille, Down, Holt-Oram, DiGeorge, Costello Syndromes are associated with heart defects such as alterations in atrioventricular septation or outflow tracts. Reviewing this association we can make an accurate diagnosis and adequate advice for the couple who are facing such a situation.


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How to Cite

Corona Carnero Y, Pérez Corona RE, Fiallo Delgado LY. Association of heart defects with genetic syndromes: utility in prenatal diagnosis. Rev. cuba. obstet. ginecol. [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 3 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];44(1). Available from:



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